So many great memories. Peggy was a awesome person. She loved life and her daughters where her pride and joy. Sad to say we lost contact after my mom Beverly passed away. Peggy and her mom use to babysit me when I was younger and there was so much love in Revia Family. Amber and Katy Im so sorry to hear of your loss.
Please accept my deepest condolences . My prayers are with you and your family.
Sandy Aldridge Carino
I was saddened to hear of Peggy's passing. In my youth, the Revia house was like a second home for me. I'm not surprised Peggy liked cards and bingo. Sounds a lot like her mom, who always treated me like another son.I have many fond memories of times spent around Peggy,Vernie,Ken,Dave(Joe?), never quite knew which to call him, and my bosom buddy Dean(miss him to this day!).My heartfelt condolences to Amber and Katy. Simple words are inadequate at times like this, however,take pride in knowing you come from good people, who will not soon be forgotten. Danny Wise
Peggy and I met at Glacier High, she was a soph. and I a JR. in algebra class.We became good friends and had lots of laughs together. Peggy was the funniest person I had ever met and we spent a lot of time together. We kept in touch after school but as things go we went our seperate ways. Not from any thing like anger but just growing up getting married, having kids. We talked a couple of times through out the years but it has been a long time and I am so disappointed that we did not keep in touch. I remember her mother and brothers, especialy vern! He used to give their mom a lot of crap and I would throw him on the floor and sit on him and make him apologize to his mom. She would stand by yelling GET HIM NOREEN! I have a lot of fond memories of Peggy and I'm so sorry that she has left us so soon. I am looking forward to meeting her girls to tell them what a good person I always thought their mom is. Please accept my deepest condolences. Noreen mcQuade
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